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5 Ways You Can Absorb Interest Rate Rises

We have seen interest rates bounce back up over the past three months and it is predicted that more increases are to come. If you are starting to worry about your finances, there are a few things you can do. 

Check out this Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) graph. It shows interest rates are currently lower, as of July 2022, than they were prior to May 2019. The current cash rate is nothing extraordinary, although it might come as a shock to newer borrowers, as we previously had not had a cash rate hike since November 2010. 

There is no denying that some households are starting to feel the squeeze, and if you put yourself in that category

Consider Implementing Some of These Measures

  • Start Building a Buffer

Interest rates will go up over the next few months. Economists from the big four banks are predicting it could increase to anywhere between 2.60% (Commbank) and 3.35% (ANZ) by November. 

Therefore, it is important to start planning ahead now, if you can, by building up a buffer. This usually includes putting extra money into an offset account, redraw facility or savings account, that’s attached to your mortgage or easy to access. 

  • Reduce Expenses

Stan, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Apple TV, Disney, Paramount+, Kayo, Binge… the list goes on. How much do you spend on subscriptions each month?

These subscription services could be costing you a lot more than you realise. The average Australian household spends $55 per month on entertainment subscriptions

Next on the list is takeaway coffees. Six takeaway coffees a week cost about $27, which is about $120 per month or $240 per month for a couple. Instead, you can brew your own barista quality coffee at home for $30-$70 per month. 

There is Uber Eats, Menulog, DoorDash, Deliveroo… if you are making a habit of it then it will really start adding up. And the best part about home-cooked meals is the leftovers for lunch the next day – making it two meals for the price of one.

  • Shop Around

recent study from Choice found that Aldi is the cheapest supermarket. So that is a start when it comes to your weekly food bill, which is going up each month thanks to inflation. 

Furthermore, an ING survey found that the average Australian family saves $114 a month by doing their shopping online. 

But… it is not just the groceries that you can shop around for a lower price. Car insurance, home insurance, utilities, phone, and internet are all other monthly expenses that you can usually find a better deal on. 

  • Refinance

If you have not refinanced for a while, there is a decent chance you could get a better rate on your home loan. 

But why refinance now if interest rates will just keep rising? Let’s say you refinance your variable rate home loan this month from 3.50% to 3%. Then if the RBA raises the cash rate by 0.50% next month, and your bank follows, your interest rate will then be 3.50%. But if you choose not to refinance and your bank follows the RBA, it will be 4%. This 0.5% gap would remain for all subsequent upcoming interest rate rises, so long as the banks increase their interest rates in line with the RBA. 

Another option is to consolidate multiple loans such as car or personal loan into your mortgage to reduce your monthly expenses. It is important to note that if you do this you will pay more in interest on the car and/or personal loan over the lifetime of those loans, but if you need cash flow now, this could be a possible solution. 

You can also consider refinancing to extend the term of your home loan, which could help reduce monthly repayments. Again, you will end up paying more interest over the life of the loan, but it can give you more breathing space if you need it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current trend in interest rates?

The article discusses how interest rates have been rising over the past three months and are expected to continue increasing. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has indicated that rates are currently lower than they were before May 2019, but they are expected to rise.

How can I prepare for upcoming interest rate hikes?

The article suggests building a financial buffer by putting extra money into an offset account, redraw facility, or savings account that’s easy to access or attached to your mortgage.

What are some ways to reduce my monthly expenses?

The article recommends cutting down on subscription services like Netflix, Spotify, and takeaway coffees. It also suggests cooking at home to save on food delivery services like Uber Eats and DoorDash.

How can shopping smartly help me manage rising interest rates?

According to a study from Choice, shopping at Aldi can save you money on your weekly food bill. An ING survey also found that online shopping can save the average Australian family $114 a month.

Is refinancing a good option to manage rising interest rates?

Yes, refinancing can help you get a better rate on your home loan, which can be beneficial even if interest rates are rising. The article explains that if you refinance now, you could potentially save on interest payments in the long run.

What should I do if I’m concerned about meeting my home loan repayments?

The article suggests reaching out for professional advice if you’re worried about how interest rate rises will affect your ability to meet your home loan repayments. It’s important to consult with experts to tailor a plan that suits your financial situation.

Come and Speak to Us

If you are concerned about what is going on with interest rates, inflation and/or how you will meet your home loan repayments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Everyone’s situation is different, and we understand many of the ideas we have listed might not suit your financial or personal situation. 

If you are worried about how you will meet your repayments in the months ahead, give us a call. We would love to speak to you and help you work out a plan moving forward.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business. 

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).  

Disclaimer:This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial.  r-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.



Is Now a Good Time to Refinance My Home?

time to refinance

Are you thinking about refinancing? As interest rates rise, so do the hurdles that you need to clear. Here is why you might want to look at refinancing soon to avoid missing out.

When was the last time that you refinanced? If the answer is never or you can’t remember, then there is a good chance you are paying a higher interest rate than you could be due to the “loyalty tax”.

The banks don’t think you are paying attention and as such only offer their lowest rates to new customers in a bid to win them over, as proven by the RBA.

A recent RateCity analysis found that customers who stay loyal to their bank could be hit with an extra $5,101 in interest over the next three years alone on their personal loan, based on a $500,00 loan taken out with CBA in 2019. For a $750,000 loan that would be an extra $7,652 in interest and for a $1 million loan that is an extra $10,202 in interest. 

This is a big reason why owner-occupier refinancing across the country rose 9.7% in June to a new record high of $12.7 bullion, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Why is Refinancing Now So Important?

When you refinance, the new lender must assess something called “home loan serviceability.” It is the ability to meet your home loan repayments at an interest rate that is at least 3% above the rate you are being offered. 

The big four banks are tipping the RBA’s official cash rate to increase from 1.85% to anywhere between 2.60% (Commbank forecast) to 3.35% (ANZ forecast) by November. That means that as interest rates go up, so too will the hurdle you will need to clear for home loan serviceability when refinancing. 

So… the sooner that you refinance, the lower hurdle you will need to clear to ensure you are not stuck with your current rate and lender. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the “Loyalty Tax” and how does it affect me?

The “loyalty tax” refers to the higher interest rates that banks charge existing customers compared to new ones. If you haven’t refinanced recently, you could be paying thousands of extra dollars in interest over the next few years.

Why is it important to consider refinancing now?

As interest rates rise, the requirements for home loan serviceability also increase. Refinancing sooner could mean you’ll face a lower hurdle for home loan serviceability, allowing you to secure a better rate.

How do rising interest rates affect home loan serviceability?

Home loan serviceability is assessed based on your ability to meet repayments at an interest rate that is at least 3% above the rate you are being offered. As interest rates rise, this “hurdle” also goes up, making it more challenging to refinance.

What can I do if I don’t want to switch lenders?

You can request your current lender to review your rate. Indicating that you are prepared to refinance if they do not offer a better rate can sometimes lead to a more favorable outcome.

How can Zippy Financial assist me with refinancing?

Zippy Financial can help you explore your refinancing options and guide you through the process. They can also assist in negotiating with your current lender for a better rate.

What are the financial implications of not refinancing?

According to a recent RateCity analysis, customers who stay loyal to their bank could be hit with an extra $5,101 in interest over the next three years alone, based on a $500,000 loan taken out with CBA in 2019.

How Do You Explore Your Refinancing Options?

Simply get in touch today and we will help you get the ball rolling. And even if you don’t want to refinance with another lender, there is always the option of asking your current lender to review your rate, indicating that you are prepared to refinance if they do not come to the table. After all, loyalty should be a two-way street!

If you’d like to find out more about what options are available to you, get in touch. We want to help you through the period ahead as much as possible!

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business. 

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).  

Disclaimer:This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial.  r-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.



Interest Rate Rise: How Long Does It Take to Kick In?

Household budgets around the country are feeling the brunt of five back-to-back rate hikes, and we are warned that more are on the way. But how long does it take for each rate rise to impact your monthly mortgage repayments?

In early September, the RBA raised the cash rate to 2.35%. It was the fifth cash rate hike in a row and the fourth straight double rate increase of 50 basis points.

In response, many lenders have increased their variable interest rates. Thankfully, lenders do not slug you with a mortgage repayment hike straight away… there is a little lag time to help you prepare. But how long?

When Exactly Will the Variable Rate Rise Kick In?

After the RBA hikes the official cash rate, your bank will (usually) announce its own interest rate hike from a specific date. But this does not mean your repayments will immediately increase when that date arrives. Exactly when your rate rise kicks in depends on the lender, their policies, the home loan agreement, and the repayment schedule. 

Lender notice periods for interest rate rises are also different from bank to bank with CBA’s lasting 20 days, Westpac lasting 30 days, NAB lasting 32 days and ANZ lasting 30 days.

Here is an example… let’s say your monthly mortgage repayments are made on the 20th day of each month. Let’s also assume the RBA increases the cash rate on the 4th of October, and you receive a notice from your lender on the 7th of October of a subsequent rate increase, with a 30-day notice period. By the time the 20th of October arrives, you will not be paying higher repayments as the full 30 days’ notice has not passed. When the 30 days’ notice finishes on the 6th of November, the daily interest rate charged will increase to the new amount. This means that when your monthly repayment on the 20th of November rolls around, you will be charged the new, higher rate (but calculated only from the 6th of November). This means there is a 44-day heads up from the lender, and it will not be a full increase yet either. By the time the 20th of December arrives, the repayment amount you are charged will fully reflect the new rate.

Are You Worried About How Rate Rises Are Increasing Your Mortgage Repayments?

If you have received your rate rise notice and your budget forecast is looking tight, rest assured that there are steps you can start taking now to help ease the pain. First and foremost, if you have not refinanced for a while, there is a decent chance you could get a better rate on your home loan.

For example, let’s say you refinance your variable rate home loan from 5% down to 4.5%. If the RBA raises the cash rate by 0.5% the month after, and your bank follows suit, your interest rate will then be 5% – not 5.5% like it could have been if you didn’t refinance.

Another option is consolidating multiple loans, such as car or personal loans, into your mortgage to reduce your monthly expenses. However, keep in mind that, because home loans are longer, consolidating mean you will pay more interest over the lifetime of the car and/or personal loan that you would have otherwise. 

You could also consider refinancing, with guidance from a mortgage broker, to extend the term of your mortgage and help reduce monthly repayments. Once again, you will end up paying more interest over the life of your loan, but it could provide assistance in your current situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the impact of consecutive rate hikes on household budgets?

Household budgets are feeling the strain due to five back-to-back rate hikes. More rate hikes are expected, and it’s essential to understand how these will affect your monthly mortgage repayments.

How long does it take for a rate rise to affect my mortgage repayments?

The time it takes for a rate rise to impact your mortgage repayments depends on various factors, including the lender’s policies, the home loan agreement, and the repayment schedule. Lenders also have different notice periods for rate rises.

What can I do to prepare for rate hikes?

If you’re concerned about how rate hikes will affect your budget, there are several steps you can take. Refinancing your home loan to get a better rate is one option. You can also consider consolidating multiple loans into your mortgage to reduce monthly expenses.

How does the RBA’s cash rate affect my mortgage rate?

When the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) raises the cash rate, lenders usually follow suit by increasing their variable interest rates. However, there is usually a lag time before these changes affect your mortgage repayments.

Are there any strategies to mitigate the impact of rate hikes?

Yes, you can consider refinancing to extend the term of your mortgage, which could reduce your monthly repayments. However, this will result in paying more interest over the life of the loan.

Get in Touch

Everybody’s situation is different, and we understand some of the ideas above might not suit your financial or personal situation, but there are others that could. If you are worried about how you will meet your repayments in the months ahead, give us a call and we will sit down with you to help work out a plan moving forward.

Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business. 

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).   

Disclaimer:This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial.  r-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.



Comparison Rate calculated on a secured loan amount of $150,000 for a term of 25 years. WARNING: This Comparison Rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees and other loan amounts might result in a different Comparison Rate. Fees and Charges Apply. Terms and Conditions are available on request.