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Buying a Property with Friends and Family

buying property

In an era of escalating property prices, the idea of purchasing property with friends and family is gaining popularity. This innovative approach to homeownership provides a solution to the affordability crisis, enabling individuals to combine resources for a shared investment in property.

The Rise of Collective Property Purchases 

The trend of co-ownership is gaining momentum, driven by the need for more affordable housing solutions. With the cost of buying a property alone out of reach for many, joining forces with friends or family members presents a viable alternative. This approach not only eases the financial burden but also opens doors to better properties that might otherwise be unattainable.

Advantages of Co-Ownership 

Buying a property collectively comes with several benefits. Shared financial responsibility means less strain on individual budgets, allowing for a more significant investment. It also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose, as co-owners embark on the homeownership journey together. Additionally, exploring options for asset finance can enhance the financial flexibility of the collective investment.

Understanding the Challenges 

Despite its advantages, co-ownership is not without its challenges. Legal complexities, potential conflicts, and financial risks are inherent in any joint investment. It’s crucial to acknowledge these challenges upfront and prepare for them adequately.

Legal and Financial Considerations 

When it comes to buying a property with others, understanding the legal implications is vital. Options like joint tenancy or tenants in common offer different rights and responsibilities. A clear, written agreement outlining each party’s contribution, responsibilities, and exit strategies is essential to avoid future disputes.

Preparing for Co-Ownership 

Before committing to buy a property with friends or family, it’s important to consider several factors. Assessing the compatibility of financial goals, long-term plans, and conflict resolution strategies is crucial. Each party should be clear about their expectations and commitments.

Compatibility Assessment in Financial Goals

  • Open Financial Discussions: Initiate open and transparent discussions about financial goals. Understanding each co-owner’s financial aspirations, whether it be long-term wealth-building, property appreciation, or short-term investment returns, forms the foundation for a harmonious co-ownership arrangement.
  • Budget Alignment: Assess the alignment of individual budgets and financial capabilities. Co-owners should have a shared understanding of how costs will be distributed, covering aspects such as mortgage payments, property maintenance, and unexpected expenses. This alignment prevents financial strains and promotes a collaborative approach to financial responsibilities.
  • Risk Tolerance Evaluation: Evaluate the risk tolerance of each co-owner. Divergent risk preferences may lead to disagreements on property-related decisions. Establishing a collective risk tolerance framework ensures that major decisions, such as property improvements or leveraging equity, are made with consensus.

Long-Term Planning and Vision Alignment 

  • Shared Long-Term Goals: Discuss and align on long-term plans for the property. Co-owners should share a vision for the future use of the property, whether it’s a long-term residence, a vacation home, or an investment property. This alignment minimizes potential conflicts arising from disparate expectations.
  • Exit Strategies: Establish clear exit strategies in case one co-owner decides to sell their share or circumstances change. This includes predefined processes for selling the property, right of first refusal agreements, and mechanisms for determining the property’s value in the event of a buyout.
  • Contingency Planning: Anticipate potential life changes, such as job relocations, family expansions, or shifts in financial circumstances. Develop contingency plans to address these changes and ensure that the co-ownership arrangement remains adaptable to the evolving needs and goals of each party.

Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Formal Agreements: Consider creating formal co-ownership agreements that outline the rights, responsibilities, and decision-making processes of each party. These agreements can address potential areas of conflict, such as property usage, maintenance responsibilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Communication Protocols: Establish effective communication protocols for addressing disagreements. Regular check-ins and scheduled meetings provide a platform for open discussions, allowing co-owners to express concerns, share perspectives, and collectively find solutions to potential conflicts.
  • Professional Mediation Options: Include provisions for professional mediation in the co-ownership agreement. In the event of unresolved conflicts, having a neutral third party mediate can facilitate constructive discussions and help co-owners reach mutually agreeable resolutions.

Expert Guidance for a Smooth Process 

Navigating the complexities of co-ownership requires expert advice. Consulting with financial advisors, mortgage brokers, and real estate professionals can provide valuable insights and help tailor a mortgage solution that suits everyone’s needs.

Buying a property with friends and family can be a rewarding experience, offering financial and emotional support. However, it’s important to approach this arrangement with careful planning and clear communication. By understanding the benefits and challenges, and seeking expert advice, co-owners can embark on a successful property ownership journey together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of buying a property with friends and family?

Shared financial responsibility, access to better properties, and fostering a sense of community.

What are the main challenges of co-owning a property?

Legal complexities, potential conflicts, and financial risks associated with joint investments.

How can we legally structure our co-ownership?

Options include joint tenancy or tenants in common, each with different rights and responsibilities.

Is it necessary to have a written agreement when buying property collectively?

Yes, a clear agreement outlining contributions, responsibilities, and exit strategies is crucial.

Can we sell or leave the property if one co-owner wants out?

The co-ownership agreement should specify the process for selling or transferring ownership shares.

What happens if there is a disagreement among co-owners?

The co-ownership agreement should include a conflict resolution process, and professional mediation may be necessary.

Should we seek professional advice before buying a property with friends or family?

Yes, consulting with financial advisors and real estate professionals is highly recommended for a smooth process.

Get in Touch to Explore Your Co-Buying or Guarantor Options

Co-ownership with friends or family, or having a parent go guarantor for you, isn’t suitable or possible for everyone, but there are people out there for whom it might be a good fit. If you think that could be you, and you want to learn more, then get in touch!

We would be happy to run you through a number of possible structured options and opportunities, as well as the challenges, hurdles and pitfalls you will want to consider. And if co-buying does not look like a good fit for you, we can run through a range of other buying options including federal government schemes that might be more suitable for you.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business. 

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



Comparison Rate calculated on a secured loan amount of $150,000 for a term of 25 years. WARNING: This Comparison Rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees and other loan amounts might result in a different Comparison Rate. Fees and Charges Apply. Terms and Conditions are available on request.