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Mastering the Nuances of Acquiring Tenanted Investment Properties

Parental Gurantee

Investing in real estate can be a lucrative venture, especially when considering a tenanted investment property. This approach offers the allure of immediate rental income and a potentially lower initial investment. However, purchasing a property with existing tenants comes with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of acquiring tenanted investment properties, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Understanding Tenant History and Rights

Before purchasing a tenanted investment property, it’s crucial to understand the history and rights of the current tenants. This includes reviewing their payment history, lease agreements, and any past disputes. Familiarize yourself with local tenant laws to ensure compliance and avoid legal pitfalls. Remember, the existing tenants’ rights remain intact even after the property changes hands.

Property Assessment and Maintenance Responsibilities

Evaluating the condition of the property is essential. Assess any pending repairs or maintenance issues, as these will be your responsibility post-purchase. Consider the age of the property and the state of major components like the roof, plumbing, and electrical systems. A well-maintained property can mean fewer headaches down the line.

Lease Agreements and Rent Adjustments

Existing lease agreements are transferred to the new owner, so it’s important to review these documents carefully. Understand the terms, especially regarding rent amounts, lease duration, and termination clauses. If you plan to adjust rents, be aware of legal limitations and required notice periods.

Property Management Decisions

Decide whether to retain the current property manager, hire a new one, or manage the property yourself, with the assistance of a mortgage broker. Each option has its advantages and challenges. Professional property managers can alleviate the burden of day-to-day operations, but this comes at a cost. Self-management might be more economical but requires time and effort.

Financial Considerations and Loan Options

When buying a tenanted investment property, it’s crucial to focus on the financial side. Look into various loan options, including home loans and personal loans, and grasp the terms and rates involved. Evaluate the property’s income potential and any tax implications. Creating a solid financial plan will guarantee that your investment stays profitable.

Market Trends and Future Outlook

Stay informed about the latest market trends in tenanted properties. Research the area’s rental demand and potential for property value appreciation. Understanding the market will help you make a more strategic investment decision.

Researching Rental Demand in the Area

  • Local Demographics and Employment Trends: Understanding the local population demographics and employment trends provides insights into the potential demand for rental properties. Consider factors such as population growth, job opportunities, and the presence of industries that attract renters. 
  • Rental Vacancy Rates: Analyzing rental vacancy rates in the area is key to gauging demand. Low vacancy rates generally indicate a strong demand for rental properties, which can be favorable for landlords seeking consistent rental income.  
  • Proximity to Amenities: Properties located near essential amenities such as public transportation, schools, shopping centers, and recreational facilities are likely to attract tenants. Researching the proximity of the property to these amenities is vital in assessing its rental appeal.

Potential for Property Value Appreciation

  • Historical Property Appreciation: Reviewing historical property appreciation trends in the area provides insights into the potential for future value growth. Analyze how property values have evolved over the past years to identify patterns and assess the market’s resilience. 
  • Development and Infrastructure Projects: Investigate any planned development or infrastructure projects in the area. These projects can significantly impact property values, especially if they enhance the overall appeal of the neighborhood. 
  • Economic Growth of the Region: The economic growth of the region plays a pivotal role in property value appreciation. Regions experiencing economic prosperity, job growth, and increased investment often witness a positive impact on property values.

Understanding Broader Market Trends

  • Interest Rate Environment: Keep an eye on the prevailing interest rate environment. Lower interest rates can stimulate demand for property purchases, potentially driving property values up. Conversely, rising interest rates may impact affordability and demand.  
  • Market Supply and Demand: Understanding the balance between supply and demand in the real estate market is crucial. An oversupply of rental properties may lead to increased competition and affect rental income, while high demand can be advantageous for landlords. 
  • Legislative Changes Affecting Tenanted Properties: Stay informed about any legislative changes that may impact tenanted properties. Changes in rental regulations, tax policies, or landlord-tenant laws can have significant implications for property investors.

Investing in a tenanted property can be a smart move, offering immediate rental income and potential long-term gains. However, it requires careful consideration of tenant rights, property condition, financial implications, and market trends. With thorough research and planning, you can navigate the complexities of this investment type successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of buying a tenanted investment property?

Acquiring a property with existing tenants can provide immediate rental income and reduce vacancy periods, offering a more stable cash flow from the outset.

What should I consider before purchasing a tenanted investment property?

It’s important to review the current lease agreements, tenant history, and rental yield, as well as the condition of the property and any legal obligations you’ll inherit as the new landlord.

How does the existing lease affect my purchase of a tenanted property?

The existing lease terms will be transferred to you upon purchase, so you must honor the current lease conditions, including rental rates and lease duration.

Can I increase rent immediately after purchasing a tenanted property?

Rent increases are typically governed by the terms of the existing lease and local tenancy laws, so immediate increases may not be possible until the lease is renewed or renegotiated.

What are the risks involved in buying a tenanted investment property?

Risks include inheriting problematic tenants, facing unexpected maintenance issues, and dealing with lease terms that may not align with your investment strategy.

How can I assess the financial viability of a tenanted investment property?

Analyze the rental yield, occupancy rate, property condition, and potential for capital growth. Also, consider the local market conditions and future development plans in the area.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business.

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.  

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



The Modern Buyer’s Agent: Expertise, Advantages, and What You Should Expect 

Parental Gurantee

In the intricate maze of real estate, the role of a mortgage broker and buyer’s agent has become more pivotal than ever. These professionals, often unseen heroes in property tales, offer a lifeline to buyers swimming in the vast ocean of market listings, negotiations, and legal intricacies. But what does the modern buyer’s agent bring to the table?

Understanding the Modern Buyer’s Agent

A buyer’s agent, or ‘buyer’s advocate,’ is a licensed professional dedicated to representing the best interests of property buyers. Unlike traditional real estate agents who typically represent the seller, a buyer’s agent focuses solely on the buyer, offering unbiased advice, access to a broader range of properties (including those off-market), and expert negotiation skills.

In today’s digital-driven world, buyer’s agents have also adapted, utilizing technology to enhance their services. From virtual property tours to sophisticated online databases, they ensure no stone is left unturned in the quest for the perfect property.

Advantages of Engaging a Buyer’s Agent  

The modern property market is not just about what you see; it’s about uncovering the hidden gems and understanding the subtle nuances that can affect property value and buyer satisfaction. Here’s where a buyer’s agent comes into their own:

Insider Knowledge and Access:

They provide insider access to off-market properties, giving you options you wouldn’t know existed. This access can be crucial in competitive markets where multiple buyers might be vying for the same property.

Expert Negotiations:

The realm of real estate negotiation is no place for the faint-hearted. The buyer’s agents are seasoned negotiators, skilled in securing the best terms and prices for their clients.

Objective Analysis and Due Diligence:

With no vested interest in the sale of the property, a buyer’s agent offers an objective perspective, ensuring you get a clear picture without the sugar coating. They conduct thorough due diligence, from assessing potential risks to forecasting long-term property value.

Seamless Transaction Process:

From initial consultations to the moment you receive your keys, a buyer’s agent handles the complexities of the property transaction process, including legal paperwork, inspections, and closing procedures.

Choosing Your Buyer’s Agent 

Not all agents are created equal. The best buyer’s agents are those who understand your aspirations, lifestyle, and financial objectives. They’re not just property experts; they’re people experts. They’re not just transactional but relational, building a rapport that ensures your needs aren’t just understood, but prioritized.

When choosing your buyer’s agent, take into account their track record, areas of expertise, and client testimonials. A reliable buyer’s agent is an investment in your future, much like a home investment, ensuring you make well-informed property decisions that bring peace of mind.

In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, the modern buyer’s agent is a beacon of clarity, expertise, and advocacy. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, an investor, or someone looking for your dream home, engaging a buyer’s agent could be the strategic move that transforms your property buying experience from daunting to delightful. In a competitive market, having a professional advocate like a buyer’s agent is not just an advantage; it’s a game-changer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a modern buyer’s agent?

A modern buyer’s agent is a real estate professional who represents the interests of the buyer in a property transaction. They leverage the latest tools, technologies, and market insights to provide the best possible service to their clients.

How does a buyer’s agent differ from a traditional real estate agent?

While traditional real estate agents often represent both buyers and sellers, a buyer’s agent exclusively represents the buyer, ensuring their interests are prioritized throughout the transaction.

Why should I consider hiring a buyer’s agent?

A buyer’s agent provides expertise, market insights, and negotiation skills, ensuring you get the best deal possible. They also save you time by curating property options that fit your criteria.

What are the advantages of using a buyer’s agent?

Some advantages include expert negotiation, time savings, access to off-market properties, and a streamlined buying process.

Can a buyer’s agent help with property investment decisions?

Absolutely! A knowledgeable buyer’s agent can provide insights into market trends, rental yields, and potential property appreciation, guiding investors to make informed decisions.

What should I expect from a modern buyer’s agent during the property buying process?

Expect a tailored property search, regular communication, expert negotiation, assistance with paperwork, and a commitment to securing the best property for your needs and budget.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business.

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



The Evolving Role of Mortgage Brokers in Today’s Property Market

Parental Gurantee

The property market has always been a dynamic landscape, influenced by various economic, political, and social factors. With fluctuating property values and house prices, navigating this market can be challenging for many. This is where the expertise of mortgage brokers comes into play. Their role, traditionally seen as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, has evolved significantly in recent times, making them an indispensable part of the modern property market.

What Does a Mortgage Broker Do in the Property Market?

At its core, a mortgage broker acts as a bridge between potential borrowers and lenders. They assess an individual’s financial situation, understand their property aspirations, and then scour the market to find the best loan products that align with the client’s needs. But their role doesn’t end there. With their comprehensive knowledge of property values, house prices, and market trends, they offer insights that can be pivotal in making informed property investment decisions.

The Value Proposition of Mortgage Brokers in the Property Market 

In today’s property market, where house prices can be volatile and property values are subject to rapid changes, the guidance of a mortgage broker can be invaluable. They not only provide tailored loan solutions but also offer a holistic view of the market, ensuring clients get the best value for their money. Their expertise extends beyond just understanding loan products; they have their fingers on the pulse of the market, ensuring their clients are always a step ahead.

How Top Mortgage Brokers Stand Out in the Property Market

The property market is vast, and standing out requires more than just basic knowledge. Top mortgage brokers today leverage technology, continuously update their market knowledge, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of property values and house prices. They understand that in the digital age, clients seek quick, efficient, and personalized services. By offering tailored solutions and leveraging technology, they ensure a seamless borrowing experience, making them a preferred choice for many.

The Modern Mortgage Broker – Beyond Just Lending 

In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate and finance, the role of the modern mortgage broker has undergone a significant transformation. While lending remains a core function, today’s mortgage brokers are recognized as property market experts who offer a wide range of services. These include insights into property values, predictions on house prices, and the provision of comprehensive financial advice. Their expanded role ensures that clients not only secure a loan but also make a sound and informed property investment.

Financial Advisory Services

  • Budget Analysis: Modern mortgage brokers offer comprehensive financial advisory services, including in-depth budget analysis. They help clients assess their financial capacity and determine the most suitable loan options to meet their long-term objectives. 
  • Debt Management Strategies: Brokers provide guidance on managing existing debts and financial responsibilities, helping clients make informed decisions about how to structure their loans and manage their finances more effectively. 
  • Investment Planning: Mortgage brokers can aid clients in creating long-term investment plans that align with their property goals. This may involve strategies for property portfolio growth or wealth creation through property investments. 

Why Choose a Mortgage Broker Over Direct Lending in the Property Market 

Direct lending might seem like a straightforward option, but the property market’s complexities require expert navigation. Mortgage brokers, with their wide access to loan products and deep understanding of property values and house prices, offer a personalized service that direct lenders often can’t match. They ensure that clients get the best deals, tailored to their unique needs, making the property buying process smooth and hassle-free.

The property market, with its ever-changing dynamics, requires expertise and knowledge. Mortgage brokers, with their evolving role, have proven to be the guiding light for many aspiring property owners. Whether it’s understanding property values, predicting house prices, or offering tailored loan solutions, their comprehensive services make them an integral part of the modern property market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of a mortgage broker in the property market?

A mortgage broker acts as an intermediary between potential borrowers and lenders, helping clients find the best mortgage products and rates tailored to their financial situation and property goals.

How has the role of mortgage brokers evolved over the years?

With the rise of digital platforms and increased competition in the lending market, mortgage brokers have expanded their services to offer more personalized advice, financial education, and a broader range of loan products.

Why is it beneficial to work with a mortgage broker in today’s property market?

Mortgage brokers have access to a wide range of loan products, can negotiate better rates on behalf of clients, and provide expert advice on the ever-changing property market dynamics.

Can mortgage brokers assist with refinancing?

Yes, mortgage brokers can help clients evaluate their current loans and find better refinancing options that suit their changing financial needs.

How do mortgage brokers ensure they recommend the best loan products?

Reputable brokers conduct a thorough analysis of a client’s financial situation, needs, and property goals. They then compare various loan products from multiple lenders to recommend the most suitable options.

Are there any regulatory standards for mortgage brokers?

Mortgage brokers are regulated by industry standards and must adhere to ethical practices, ensuring transparency and the best interests of their clients.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business.

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



Elevating Your Property Purchase on The Art of Due Diligence

Parental Gurantee

When it comes to purchasing a property, it’s not just about the aesthetics or the location. One of the most crucial steps in the property buying process is due diligence, which often involves seeking guidance from a mortgage broker. This comprehensive approach ensures that you understand all aspects of a property before making a purchase. But what exactly does due diligence mean, and what does it entail? Let’s dive in.

Understanding Due Diligence 

Due diligence is a term often thrown around in the property and business world, but its significance in property transactions cannot be understated. At its core, due diligence is the research and analysis of a property or company before a business transaction. In the context of property buying, it means ensuring that the property you’re about to purchase doesn’t have any hidden issues or liabilities. 

The Due Diligence Checklist 

A thorough due diligence process involves a checklist that potential buyers should consider: 

Pest Inspections:

As highlighted in our previous article, pest inspections are crucial. They ensure the property isn’t infested, saving potential future costs.

Property Valuation:

Understanding the true value of the property ensures you’re not overpaying.

Legal Checks:

This includes checking the property’s title, zoning, and any other legalities to ensure there are no surprises post-purchase.

Structural Inspections:

Ensuring the property is structurally sound is vital. This can prevent potential safety hazards and future repair costs.

Neighborhood Analysis:

Researching the neighborhood’s safety, amenities, and future development plans can influence your property’s future value.

Historical Data:

Understanding previous ownership, any past issues, or disputes can provide a clearer picture of what you’re getting into.

The Depth of Due Diligence Meaning 

While the term “due diligence” might seem straightforward, its depth goes beyond just ticking off a checklist. It’s about understanding the essence of the property, its past, present, and potential future. It’s an ongoing process that doesn’t just end once the property is purchased. Regular checks, especially in the case of investment properties, can ensure your investment remains sound.

Expert Tips for Effective Due Diligence 

Conducting due diligence effectively can be daunting, especially for first-time buyers. Here are some expert tips: 

Engage Professionals:

Consider hiring experts, especially for areas you’re unfamiliar with. This could include legal experts, property valuers, or structural engineers.

Visit the Property Multiple Times:

Visiting at different times of the day can give you a better feel for the property and the neighborhood.

Ask Questions:

Don’t be afraid to ask the seller or agent questions. The more information you have, the better.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is due diligence in property purchase?

Due diligence in property purchase refers to the comprehensive research and analysis conducted by a potential buyer to assess the value, risks, and potential of a property before finalizing the purchase.

Why is due diligence important in real estate?

Due diligence is crucial in real estate to ensure that the buyer is making an informed decision, understanding all potential risks, verifying property details, and ensuring that the investment is sound and free from legal complications.

How can due diligence elevate my property purchase?

Conducting thorough due diligence can help you identify potential issues, negotiate better terms, ensure the property’s value, and make a confident and informed investment decision.

What are the key components of due diligence in property buying?

Key components include verifying property ownership, checking for any liens or encumbrances, assessing property condition, reviewing local property market trends, and ensuring compliance with local regulations and zoning laws.

How long does the due diligence process typically take?

The duration of the due diligence process can vary based on the property’s complexity and the buyer’s specific requirements. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

What happens if issues are identified during the due diligence process?

If issues are identified, the buyer can negotiate with the seller to address them, adjust the purchase price, or even decide to walk away from the deal if the concerns are significant.

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business.

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



How to Refinance When Property Prices Are Declining

property prices

You may have heard that property values are dropping, but what does this mean if you are planning on refinancing?

With the rising cost of living and climbing interest rates, you may be looking to refinance your mortgage. Depending on your circumstances, it may be a great time to get a better interest rate on your loan. Not to mention that if you need access to funds for an investment property or renovation, refinancing can allow you to cash out equity in your home to use for other purposes.

According to CoreLogic, 79.5% of house and unit market values are on the decline across Australia, and this can affect refinancing outcomes.

We will walk you through what the effects of a property value drop can mean for refinancers and how you can act now to get ahead of the curve.

The Effects of Property Prices Drop Can Mean for Refinancers

Refinancing and your property’s value

Rising rates have contributed to declining property values in some areas around the country.

For example, according to the latest CoreLogic data, Sydney’s property prices have declined 10% since they peaked in February 2022, and many economists believe they will fall even further.

As a homeowner, a drop in property value can affect your equity. That is because equity is the difference between your property’s (market) value and your mortgage balance. And it is a number that lenders pay attention to when assessing refinancing applications. 

Refinancing before your equity drops may see your refinancing application have a greater chance of success. Most lenders will typically require you to have 20% equity in your home to refinance, which essentially serves as a deposit.

According to this graph, if you have bought a house in Sydney (for example) since June 2011, due to recent property price declines, you soon may no longer have 20% equity in your home. 

If you don’t have 20% equity, you could still refinance by paying lenders mortgage insurance, but that would likely defeat the purpose of refinancing in the first place. And if you fall into negative equity, where your home’s value drops below your mortgage balance, then refinancing most likely won’t be on the cards at all and you will be stuck with the current lender. 

So, if you are interested in refinancing your loan to get a better rate, sooner may be better than later, depending on how your property value is fairing.

Refinancing to cash-out equity

If you are keen to unlock some equity – you are not alone!

According to NAB research, seven in 10 mortgage holders recently cashed out equity while property prices were high and used the money to renovate, invest in property or shares or boost their superannuation. 

How does cashing out equity work?

Let’s say you bought an $800,000 house five years ago that is now worth $1 million. And let’s say you took out a $600,000 loan for that house, which you have managed to pay down to $500,000. By refinancing that $500,000 loan into an $800.000 loan (banks will typically let you borrow up to 80% of a property’s market value), you can unlock $300,000 in equity. 

However, if you delay a year or so, and national property prices decline 10% over this period, your house might only be valued at $900,000. That would mean if you wanted to unlock 80% of your property’s market value, you could only refinance your $500,000 mortgage into a $720,000 loan and therefore only unlock $220,000 in equity. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do declining property prices affect refinancing?

Declining property prices can affect your home’s equity, which is crucial for refinancing. Lower equity may reduce your chances of successfully refinancing your mortgage. 

What is equity and why is it important for refinancing?

Equity is the difference between your property’s market value and your mortgage balance. Lenders typically require you to have at least 20% equity in your home to refinance.

Can I still refinance if I don’t have 20% equity?

Yes, but you may have to pay lenders mortgage insurance, which could offset the benefits of refinancing. 

What is cashing out equity?

Cashing out equity involves refinancing your existing mortgage into a larger loan and taking the difference in cash, which can be used for purposes like renovation or investment. 

How does a drop in property prices affect my ability to cash out equity?

A drop in property prices can reduce the amount of equity you can cash out. For example, if your home’s value decreases by 10%, you may be able to unlock less equity than before. 

What is negative equity and how does it affect refinancing?

Negative equity occurs when your home’s value drops below your mortgage balance. In such cases, refinancing is usually not an option.

How can Zippy Financial help me with refinancing in a declining property market?

Zippy Financial offers expert advice on navigating the complexities of refinancing, especially when property values are declining. They can help you assess your options and find the most suitable financial solutions.

Get in touch

If you have been considering refinancing lately, contact us to find out more. Whether you are looking to get a better rate or unlock equity in your home, we can help you!

Phone: 1300 855 022


Zippy Financial is an award-winning mortgage brokerage specialising in home loans, property investment, commercial lending, and vehicle & asset finance. Whether you are looking to buy your first home, refinance or build your property investment portfolio, the team at Zippy Financial can help find and secure the right loan for you and your business. 

About the Author:   

Louisa Sanghera is an award-winning mortgage broker and Director at Zippy Financial. Louisa founded Zippy Financial with the goal of helping clients grow their wealth through smart property and business financing. Louisa utilises her expert financial knowledge, vision for exceptional customer service and passion for property to help her clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals. Louisa is an experienced speaker, financial commentator, mortgage broker industry representative and small business advocate.   

Connect with Louisa on Linkedin.   

Louisa Sanghera is a Credit Representative (437236) of Mortgage Specialists Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 387025).  

Disclaimer: This article contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This article is not to be used in place of professional advice, whether business, health or financial. 



Comparison Rate calculated on a secured loan amount of $150,000 for a term of 25 years. WARNING: This Comparison Rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees and other loan amounts might result in a different Comparison Rate. Fees and Charges Apply. Terms and Conditions are available on request.